Legal advisory




Our corporate law department assists clients in a wide range of legal operations: incorporation, modifications as regards the articles of association, dissolution, drafting of agreementstransfer of securities, daily operations (OGM, EGM, etc.), capital-related trasactions (increase and reduction of capital, etc.), transformation of the company’s status, universal transfer of assets (UTA), mergers, stripping of the capital.


Our team of lawyers specialising in labour relations assists clients in the management of employer-employee relations such as union elections, collective agreements (working time, stake, profit-sharing), company’s rules of procedures or unilateral declaration by the employer for the set-up of benefits contracts for employees. We also intervene in individual relations such as the managing employment contracts (hiring, trial period, contract termination) or choosing and complying with the collective agreement.


Our taxation law department supports clients in the context of corporate taxation (corporate tax, VAT, local taxes, miscellaneous consultations), business owners and net-worth-in individual’s taxation (assistance with personal income tax, wealth tax, etc.), international taxation (international VAT, assistance to foreign companies, transfer pricing, global-mobility, etc.). Finally, thanks to our experience in financial companies, we have expertise in the specific revenue form for declaring dividends and other financial revenue (IFU).

Beyond accounting and tax assistance, our clients appreciate being able to rely on a conductor who has an overview of the company and its issues.

This role is fully guaranteed by the supervision of a partner of the firm, relying on various in-house experts, to ensure more fluidity, efficiency and security.

Margaret MARTI


Aplitec expertise

Our personalised approach adapted to each company relies on the expertise and responsiveness of our legal teams.

 Our lawyers work on a daily basis in close collaboration with our accounting and audit teams. This relationship guarantees the quality of consulting and recommendation for our clients.

The fluidity between the accounting and legal departments, always under the supervision of a partner, allows for efficient work.

Our clients are regularly invited to information breakfasts on our premises. During these special meetings, we present the key points about legal developments.

